Sunday, February 12, 2012

Feeling Fortunate

Fortunately, February has been less dramatic on the health front for us starting with a clean bill of health for Camille on February 1st. It seems that the unexplained bruising was a combination of factors: amoxicillin allergy, Vitamin K deficiency (temporary it seems) and a string of relatively minor illnesses (stomach bug, a persistent cold and an ear infection). We were so grateful to be able to leave the appointment with the hematologist WITHOUT having to make a follow up appointment. We then headed downstairs to the second floor of Duke Children's for Camille's annual appointment with the Cleft Palate Clinic Team appointment. More good news! We didn't really need to have the team tell us that Camille was developing fine but, it's always nice to hear compliments!

Here's the little punkin' testing out Ethan's teething toy.

It's February, already? February brought the three month mark for Ethan but no well check so we don't know his stats. That said, he is weighing around 16 pounds and wearing mostly 3-6 and 6 month clothes so he's growing fine. He is at day care two days a week until I go back to work full time, around late March. Fortunately, I have been able to divide my maternity leave up. So, I'm learning the positives and challenges of working part-time. More on that later...

 I wonder how many requests I'll get for this picture!

Sporting the hair-up-glasses-on-hole-in-shirt look a lot lately, but it was nice to be reminded recently to have pictures taken of yourself with the little ones. So true.

First she chooses my socks, then she gives me all of these toys?