Third (fourth?) attempt at the costume...clearly a no-go.
But, we salvaged the evening with trick-or-treating, which was a huge hit. It was so cute to see Camille get so excited to walk up to the door and get candy! She did her traditional "thank you" sign, which in sign language is the hand "taking a bow" from the chin (?). Camille interprets it as a real bow and dips her head and bends her knees while saying "ahhhh." It's the cutest thing ever and I have yet to get a good video of it. Rats. Still trying...
In the afternoons, Camille, Mabel and I go on a walk (well, a few steps here, then there, then up the hill, then back to the driveway...Mabel is pleased to get her business done but hasn't gotten to sniff much of the neighborhood lately) and soak up this gorgeous fall weather. Camille has found delight in separating out the white rocks from the red ones in our neighbor's yard and, pointing to the moon.
Pre-walk...warming up Travolta style...
Last weekend, we also discovered the source of the yummiest pastries in the area at Guglhupf Bakery (I know I should make this a hyperlink but I'm on borrowed time - aka nap) in Durham. At nearly every local coffee shop I've visited in the Durham/Chapel Hill area, they always carry Guglhupf baked goods -- perfect with a latte. Little did I know, they had an actual restaurant! This will be a place we frequent, well, frequently! Camille loved the little sugar cookies that are hidden under the coffee mugs (clever) -- as soon as she saw it, her little hands reached over and... snatch! Yum!