Sunday, May 31, 2009

There are TWO mommies in this house

One of our dogs, Mabel, has been quite endearing since Camille's arrival. Bowie has been rather indifferent but has gradually warmed up to her. Mabel attempts to give her baths daily, is the first to check on her when we come home from being out and often follows me when I'm carrying Camille and trying to soothe her. Her big brown eyes lighten up when Camille comes down to play "in her world." Here's just one of their bonding sessions (spoiler alert: if you cringe at things less-than-sanitary, skip the next 5 photos!). Mabel asked me to transcribe.

"Hi Camille! You know, I think you smell too much like a fresh daisy!

Yep, definitely a fresh daisy.

I really think you need a bath.

Now, your hair, I know a lot about hair and yours definitely needs a good wash.

Aren't I the best mommy?"

After Mama Mabel's bath comes one that is just slightly cleaner (ok all you sanitary folk, you can look now).

Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Eric!

Whew! May is the month of birthdays for sure! Happy Birthday, Eric!

And, it's hard to believe but Camille is 2 months old today! It looks like the right hand has it for thumb sucking!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Betsy!!

We hope you're having a great day, Betsy! We love reading your blogs -- what a great photographer! Will you come to North Carolina for a photo shoot? =) Hopefully we'll head your direction soon.

Happy (one day late) Birthday, Granddad!

We tried getting this on the blog yesterday but to no avail. It's funny how getting 1 thing crossed off the to-do list in a day is an accomplishment suddenly!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Something else to smile about

For all you Sound of Music Fans, click title of post!

Friday, May 15, 2009

What personality!

First of all, kudos to all you bloggers who manage to work, Mom (I now believe this is a verb also) AND blog! We've had two wonderful weeks since the last post -- Gran (Caroline's mom) came to visit for one fabulous week and this past week has been quite full. As we get to know Camille, and she gets to know us, we're seeing more and more personality shine through.

Hanging outside with mom...

Growing up a Jayhawk!

With Gran trying to get a burp most likely!

Excited about something!

Now we suddenly love bathtime! It must be the chicky bathrobe afterwards that makes it all worth it. where did that bottle go?

Oh you had it!