Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Vacay" part 2

We're home now, back to reality. It is really nice to be sleeping in our own beds and feeling like the house is a mansion but we miss the ocean waves and lazy days of vacation. Speaking of beds, while in Nags Head, the only bed option for Camille was on the floor (on a comfy mattress-like mat with lots of pillows surrounding her) so we just decided to take the plunge and transition her from her crib lifestyle. There were many rough nights and early mornings but overall, it went pretty well. We weren't able to change her crib to a toddler bed last night due to exhaustion and lack of screws needed (go figure!) and lo and behold, she finally accomplished actually getting out of the crib. [At 13 months, she learned to do this but never quite succeeded due to a handy thing called a crib tent (bless the person who invented this). Then, about 2 months ago, the tent broke (thanks to some fancy gymnastics move by Camille). So, we just really enforced staying in her crib. It worked for as long as we needed it. And, with baby boy on his way, we knew this move had to happen soon.]

So, today, with a trip to Lowe's (for screws) and a trip to Target (for new bed gear), we have a toddler bed! Nap time was difficult (90 minutes work for a 60 minute nap) but bedtime tonight seems to be a success! An hour's work and we've heard the sweet sound of silence for 30 minutes now. It's only night two but we'll take it. I do have sympathy for our sweet pea as the number of transitions that have occurred in her life lately would probably put an adult through the wringer of stress -- a lot of her friends are transitioning to preschool so new friends at school (same wonderful teacher thankfully), potty training, baby on the way, vacation and all smack dab in the middle of toddlerville where independence rules but Mom and Dad rule too. Ugh. It's a lot. She's a trooper. Here is how we wrapped up our delightful "vacay!"

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Ahhh...the beach. Nothing quite says vacation than ocean waves, sun, sand and naps. We are in Nags Head on the Outer Banks, staying in a bungalow called Henry's Hut with Eric's college roommate, Mark, and his family. Mark and Joan have two daughters, Jennifer (12) and Jacquelyn (10) and they have provided welcome entertainment for the youngest of the group! Aside from being with her cousins, Camille has never been "fought" over for playtime as much as she has this week. Some pics thus far...

Footprints on the beach

A visit to the aquarium

Jacquelyn feeding Camille a goldfish (cracker)

A morning walk on the beach, making "Cs"

Eric and Mark on their dive to the wreck, the Zane Gray

Not letting go of her fingers...

A beach vacation wouldn't be complete without a round of mini golf! Even if we do use our hands to put the ball in the hole.

Back to relaxing (and ice cream...and...walks...and...)