Monday, October 31, 2011

The countdown begins!

Will it be a Halloween baby? Probably not...I went in for the non-stress test (prior to induction, scheduled tomorrow at 8:00pm...well, I have to get there at 8:00pm...who knows when everything will start) and sonogram this afternoon and the baby boy Hexdall is still kicking. In fact, he kept moving so much that the fetal monitor slipped and it took a while to get a consistent read! Small but fairly regular contractions were registering (by me and the monitor), which is reassuring. I'm 4-5 cm dilated so once this all kicks in, he should be welcomed into the world pretty quickly. We are so excited to meet him!

And we must not forget, our little Ladybug Girl is ready for some trick-or-treating! The weather is hardly a treat..cold and raining. This presents a good opportunity for me to hand out candy and count contractions while Daddy and Gran take Camille on her brief trick-or-treating rounds.


Happy Halloween, everyone!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Not "popping" yet

Still here...with amusing conversations from the soon-to-be older sister:

Camille: "Mommy, you are huge and heavy and big and that is why you can't pick me up. But when baby Ethan comes, you will be small and you can, you are supposed to pick me up."

Mommy: "You're right, I am big and when baby Ethan is born, I will be able to carry you a lot more. What do you think he will look like?"

Camille: "A crying baby."

Mommy: "'re probably right. When do you think he will come?"

Camille: "He will POP out soon, Mommy."

Mommy: "Oh good, I'm looking forward to meeting him."

Camille: "Me too."

Later that evening...Camille refused to pick up dish towels that she had thrown on the floor.

Mommy: "Camille, it's time to pick up the towels, how about if I do one and you do the other."

Camille: "No." (repeat several times)..."I am huge and heavy and big and cannot pick up the dish towels, not until baby Ethan is born, then I can pick them up."

Are we about to have fun or what?!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"You should pack your camera now" but still waiting...

So a week ago, my OB (one of them) said that we should pack our camera and a bag now due to the fact I was 3 cm dilated, 80-90% effaced and the baby was at -1 station. Translation: get ready. But, that was a week ago (maybe I could be "here" a while?). I am fine with waiting as I still have major things to wrap up at work, there is precious little time left to savor Camille as an only child (sniff sniff!), and little time left to savor my last pregnancy. Oh, and there is this minor thing about us being in the midst of moving. That status is that we are under contract but we need to find renters in order to actually get the house, which we've been told will not be difficult but until we actually have a signed rental agreement, we won't be celebrating. My patience has grown over the years but even this time in life is putting my mindfulness skills to the test.

But...these sweet smiling faces allow for breathing easy and being grateful for so much right now. This was taken at a brunch we went to with Eric's Dad and Jan a few weeks ago, when they kindly came to visit us. When the time came to pay the bill, Camille said, "I will give it to him (the $) and he will say 'thank you' and I will say you're welcome." Well, good to know manners are somehow sinking in, even if a bedtime routine isn't.

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