Our Christmas break was delightful, peaceful and cozy. We missed seeing family for sure but it was memorable to be a family of four for the first time. For New Year's Eve, we had our close friends Anne and Dave and their darling duo, Soren (36 hours older than Camille) and Simone
(9 months), over for pizza, conversation and chaos (two toddlers in a confined area made smaller by holiday decorations and gifts). 2012 is off to a good start and will certainly be a busy year -- Camille turning 3 (!), an infant changing daily, a house hunt, likely changes in child care (with change in house) and hopefully lots of visits from family and friends! Here are a few images of the past few weeks. Happy New Year everyone!
December 1st actually...
Camille's "big" gift was a kitchen, that we put, well, in the kitchen. No bow or anything (Eric and I were on our last legs wrapping and putting out presents around 11:00...Santa doesn't do well deprived of lots of sleep), just as is. In retrospect, that may have been why we got the, "you-want-me-to-start-cooking-AND-stay-in-bed? look" on Christmas morning!
Do we have any Caillou fans out there?
Beloved siblings!
And...New Year's...
Every photographer needs an assistant!
And the 2 month-old...
happy new year, indeed! CUTE monthly pics - what a crafty mama!!