Friday, April 5, 2013


A lot of life these days is accepting less than what is hoped for or planned for. C'est la vie. Like today, for example. About a month ago, I looked at my calendar and realized I had a stretch of 5 days that did not have major meetings or projects packed in at work so I decided to take my 5 vacation days the state "gave" me in lieu of a raise and dedicate them to house projects. Ever since we moved in, I have been chomping at the bit to delve in to making those Pinterest dreams come true, nurturing my creative soul, turning nasty walls into spaces of glorious, charming art. Yes, I had gone through "my corner" in the office/guest room/storage for will-this-box-go-in-the-attic-or-garage and taken all the random decor pieces I had picked up at various places in the past few years (sale table at Anthropologie, HomeGoods, garage sales, Craigslist etc.) and drawn out the designs, etc. I was ready (I'm sure any mother can anticipate where this is going) for painting rooms, making art walls in Camille's room, framing old family pictures I have treasured looking at and knowing one day, ONE DAY, I would have them displayed to my satisfaction. And Eric had even taken off one day too! We were going to be productive boy howdy. And then Mr. Snuggles (Ethan) fell ill with a triple threat -- sinusitus, double ear infection and pink eye. One down but still possible I thought...get Peach (Camille) to "school" and then back to painting, at least we would get a good 2 1/2 - 3 hour stretch when Ethan was napping. Nope. 7:00 -- Camille is burning up. Then she throws up. (Cue "wonh, wonh" music from Endless Alphabet that comes on when you misplace a letter). Fast forward to right now and Eric and Camille are at the doctor, begging (?) for an antibiotic for fear that an infection will damage the patches that were just put on when she had her tubes out about 10 days ago (we have not washed this child's hair more than once a week for fear of getting water in her ears so I'll be damned if an infection damages the precious patches!). Ethan is asleep and into his second dose of antibiotics so he'll turn a corner soon, preserving my Monday and Tuesday for my stay-craft-cation. Harumph. (Update: Camille got the antibiotics but the wrong kind. Had to go to another pharmacist to get a different antibiotic. Check. After two doses, she started breaking out in a rash similar to the one that triggered much anxiety and fear about a year ago when we learned she was allergic to penicillin products. So, we were actually glad we had the other antibiotic on hand). And best of all...I married an amazing painter and he is about 2/3 of the way through Camille's room).

A while ago I started blogging (on another blog, I'm kind-of ADHD when it comes to blogging I'm realizing) about the professional work/mothering work balance. It's here. I haven't written on it for a long while but it definitely was a motivator to make a decision to consider doing something different professionally. I'm closer to making a decision and change but it might be a while (a year-ish) before I can actually make the change. So stay tuned!

I also decided to start pursuing a hobby (photography) more actively and more in a dedicated manner so I asked the inspirational photographer who took pictures of Ethan and Camille (at separate times) if she would give me lessons. She said yes! I went out with her once and learned about light while taking pictures of flowers at the UNC Botanical Gardens. It was so fun to be really focused on it. But, the whole light concept/ISO/f-stop etc. still befuddles me. I think I have a block against learning it as it brings up bad memories of learning physics from Dr. Nasari in high school. Maybe he spit a little when saying "refraction," I don't know but he sure got angry when a student (me) didn't understand something. Great teacher. Anyway, that blog is here (just created it this week). But, I hope eventually there will be a progression from blah to wow! (Betsy, you're my inspiration on this project).

Through the above project of switching to manual mode, I realized that I was just getting lucky when using no flash or auto mode. Nevertheless, I managed to capture some decent shots of life over the past few months. And, I got an iPhone (love) hence easy videos.

We finally visited Grandpa Ken and Grandma Jan in their new home in Hendersonville! A beautiful home and very tolerant host and hostess.

We took a drive and stopped at Sliding Rock -- a favorite summer pastime for North Carolinians apparently (so we've heard). 

The Christmas photo series...

And what would a year be without a major plumbing near-catastrophe? 

Christmas! We all were sick at various times but we loved new traditions in our new home. 


Spur-of-the-moment trip to Kansas! So, yes, it was kept under wraps mainly because it happened so fast then wasn't going to happen, then happened early, then we were stuck inside most of the visit. The goals were: use a free ticket before it expired on March 4th, see Mom (being treated for breast cancer, all with a smile on her face...most optimistic and positive person out there I firmly believe, and doing well...almost done with chemo! Way to go, Mom!) and Dad and have a little bit of time with Camille's cousins. All were accomplished but apparently we brought winter for the Midwest region for another 8 weeks, sorry about that!

Prepping for surgery (late March) to have tubes removed. 

Practicing on Caillou. He's such a good sport. 

Camille turns 4!


For Camille's birthday, we combined forces with dear friends (Anne and Dave) to celebrate Camille's and Soren's (born a day before Camille) birthdays together. We chose Maple View Farm as the location as they offered good educational fun and festivities all for a good price. I felt compelled to do a big-ish party because when asked who she would like to have over for her party, she named nearly everyone in her class. After having multiple conversations about the party, she never wavered on who she wanted to share the fun with and when I dropped her off in the morning and picked her up, her friends were always so glad to see her or sad to see her leave. So, maybe I was pressured into a "to-do" of a party by a 4 year-old but I realized that she is such a good friend and has many good friends, she deserved a "to-do." And, it was fun to support a local farm and the ice cream is truly delicious.


And then...Easter!

Poor Mabel, inside for the fun, no doubt she was taking good care of that little doll in the highchair. 

1 comment:

  1. You know I'll be here reading, whether it's every week or every month or every year. That Camille is a True Big Girl now - how does that happen? And Ethan? The littlest McKnight, through and through. Looking forward to more of your photos - these are GOOD!
